Yearly Archives: 2009

Protect your Driving Privilege after charged with DUI in Seattle

One of the problems with the American judicial system today is that the accused are rarely innocent until proven guilty anymore. Instead, they are presumed guilty when they are arrested and they have to scratch and claw to clear their name after that. This also applies to those who have been charged with DUI in… Continue Reading »

SQ Attorneys – Helping Seattle's Wrongly Charged

We take our responsibilities to our clients seriously. We live in a country that’s laws are written to protect its citizens. Our judicial system is the best in the world. Still, there are times that same judicial system appears to be flawed or imperfect. This is why our Seattle attorneys work tirelessly for our clients.… Continue Reading »

Seattle DUI Criminal Defense

Getting charged with DUI can be one of the most difficult and bothersome things to ever happen to a person. To put it simply, this sort of charge creates all sorts of headaches, and many of them can last decades. The problem for many people is that they don’t understand their options relating to the… Continue Reading »

You can fight Seattle DUI Charges

The Seattle Police Department unit assigned to driving under the influence (“DUI”) cases is one of the most competent in the state of Washington. Officers in the “DUI squad” are trained to identify drivers who are under the influence. They are also skilled in administering and interpreting the field tests which prove intoxication. In addition,… Continue Reading »

How Seattle Attorneys Helped Me

Everyone always hears about terms such as insurance fraud, but very few people really understand just how easily someone can be victimized and it be made to look like it was actually the victim’s fault. Because it’s sometimes hard for officers to determine what actually happened in a collision after the fact, there are some… Continue Reading »

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