Passage of a New Criminal Justice Bill

SQ Attorneys

SQ Attorneys

Earlier this week the US Senate passed a significant and sweeping criminal justice bill. The concern was the imprisonment of far too many Americans for non-violent related crimes, specifically drug crimes. These folks go to prison but upon release are ill prepared to return to society and are at great risk of reoffending. The bill next goes to the House and the President for signature. Ultimately the bill gives judges more discretion on sentencing drug offenders and permits for greater prison rehabilitation efforts. The bill has been widely praised by both liberals and conservatives, which is quite outside the norm during these challenging political times. The claim is that the changes invoked by the bill will make the nations criminal justice system more fair, reduce over-crowding and ultimately save tax payers money. All and all, it was a good week for our criminal justice system.

When charged with a crime it is a very smart idea to immediately hire a qualified Seattle Criminal Defense Attorney. The Seattle Criminal Defense Attorneys that make up the criminal defense team of SQ Attorneys are highly qualified and reputable Seattle Criminal Defense Lawyers that are dedicated to providing top notch, aggressive representation for those arrested or charged for crime all across Western Washington and the Greater Puget Sound region. The team creates success by working with law enforcement and the prosecuting attorney’s office to ensure that all facts and circumstances related to the allegations are considered in creating the fairest, most equitable and just resolution possible in light of all the surrounding circumstances of the given case. So, whether you are cited with an infraction or arrested and/or charged with misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor or a felony, protect yourself … call SQ Attorneys at (206) 441-0900.

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